The Fifth World Discord Server

The Fifth World has a Discord server where our members can collaborate and socialize. As a member, you can find a link to it from your dashboard. At the bottom of the page, alongside your other account links, you will find one labeled Chat. This will take you to the Fifth World Discord server.


When you first join the server, you will only have access to the #initiation channel, which outlines the community’s norms and expectations. The specified emoji reaction to a message at the end of this channel signals your assent to abide by those expectations, and acts as your initiation into the rest of the server.

Once you do that, we recommend you head first to the #welcome channel, where new users will have a custom welcome message waiting for them from our server bot, the Grand Arcanist. This will introduce the server’s four clans, and invite you to join one.


Our Discord server has four clans. They act as teams for events and challenges that we have from time to time. Clans can unlock achievements as their members accomplish particular goals or milestones, or win particular distinctions in our community. Each clan has its own channel on the server, where you can see the achievements that your clan has unlocked in the pinned message.

Our four clans take their identities from the four suits used in the Fifth World Roleplaying Game.

The Clubs

The Clubs

Clubs represent the spiritual life, the east, childhood, and water. Spirituality refers to the magic that animates everything that lives, that gives us life and personhood, awareness and the ability to affect the world around us. We see spirit in everything that acts like a person: the spells sung by the songbirds who entice the world to bloom, the eloquence of trees creaking in the wind, or the slicing intellect of glass knapped to a perfect point. The Clubs call to people of vision, who see beyond mere appearances to a future more in line with our values, with the audacity required to set things in motion. To join the Clubs, type !club

The Hearts

The Hearts

Hearts represent the emotional life, the south, young adulthood, and fire. Emotion does not stand opposed to intellect or reason, but rather forms the soil in which it takes root. They provide us another kind of perception, drawing us intuitively to recognize patterns before our conscious minds can catch up. The Hearts call to those who understand the power of emotion, in both themselves and others, who search their feelings and hone them as a skill. The Hearts understand that feelings and passions form the very fabric from which we weave our community, and see to tending and weaving that fabric. To join the Hearts, type !heart.

The Diamonds

The Diamonds

Diamonds represent the physical life, the west, mature adulthood, and earth. Rather than opposed to other aspects of life like intellect, spirit, or emotion, people in the Fifth World understand all of those things as rooted first in our bodily experience as earthly creatures. The Diamonds pride themselves on the practical and the pragmatic, devoting themselves to mastery of the down-to-earth skills of making a living, in the most literal sense. They take pride in their ability to ensure that everyone in their community has their basic needs for food, shelter, and safety met. To join the Diamonds, type !diamond.

The Spades

The Spades

Spades represent the mental life, the north, elderhood, and air. Philosophers, teachers, storytellers, preservers of knowledge, curious explorers, and inquisitive investigators, the Spades live a life of the mind, whether that means serving as a repository of community knowledge and seeing it passed down to the next generation, or helping to expand that repository through exploration, experimentation, and ever more probing questions and deeper inquiries. To join the Spades, type !spade.

#Levels & Roles

As you spend more time on the Fifth World server, you’ll earn experience points and levels, and at certain levels, you’ll unlock new roles, taken from the face cards used in the Fifth World Roleplaying Game:

Each role also unlocks a new secret channel. You can see your current experience points, level, and your rank on the server by typing !rank.

#The Grand Arcanist

Our server bot, the Grand Arcanist, handles a lot of the above for us, but it also takes requests. Use these commands to get the Grand Arcanist to help you with some fun and useful things on the server:

Table 1. The help command
!helpAsk the Grand Arcanist to tell you more about the commands he listens for.

Table 2. Clans & Levels
!clubJoin the Clubs. This removes you from any clan you belonged to previously. You can only belong to one clan at a time.
!heartJoin the Hearts. This removes you from any clan you belonged to previously. You can only belong to one clan at a time.
!diamondJoin the Diamonds. This removes you from any clan you belonged to previously. You can only belong to one clan at a time.
!spadeJoin the Spades. This removes you from any clan you belonged to previously. You can only belong to one clan at a time.
!rankDisplay a card showing your current experience points, level, and rank on the server. You gain more experience points by participating on the server.

Table 3. Recording & Music
!joinInvite the Grand Arcanist to join your current voice channel.
!leaveAsk the Grand Arcanist to leave your current voice channel.
!recordStart a recording in your current voice channel. Never use this without the full, active consent of everyone in the voice channel. If you use this without consent, we will have to ban you from the server and deactivate your membership on the Fifth World website.
!stop-recordingStop recording in your current voice channel.
!add itemAdd something to the music queue. You can provide a URL to something public with an audio track that the Grand Arcanist can play, like a YouTube video, or just supply the name of a song and rely on the Grand Arcanist to find it.
!add-playlist urlSupply the URL of a playlist on YouTube, and the Grand Arcanist will add each of the videos in that playlist to the music queue.
!clear-queueClear the music queue.
!playBegin playing the music queue.
!play itemStart playing something in the current voice channel. You can provide a URL to something public with an audio track that the Grand Arcanist can play, like a YouTube video, or just supply the name of a song and rely on the Grand Arcanist to find it.
!npDisplay information on the current track.
!pausePause the current track.
!previousPlay the previous track in the queue.
!queueDisplay the current queue.
!replayReplay the current track.
!resumeResume the current track (for example, after pausing it).
!search itemSearch for an item that you could add to the queue later. ou can provide a URL to something public with an audio track that the Grand Arcanist can play, like a YouTube video, or just supply the name of a song and rely on the Grand Arcanist to find it.
!seek positionJump backwards or forwards to a different position (or timestamp) on the current track.
!skipSkip to the next track in the queue.
!stopStop the current track.
!vote-skipInitiate a vote on whether or not to skip the current track.

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